HI everyone!

Hi everyone! This is the first post of my new blog! I'm Marina, the owner of Bagrijana, female borzoi (russian wolfhound). Since Bagrijana is a very long and difficult name (I'm Italian, not russian) my family and me love to call her "Baghi". She is just a funny and spoilt dog and we love her very much. She is also a beautiful show dog, so I'll keep you informed of her successes on the show ring.
I'll tell you also about all my animal (and human) family... which is formed of, my two brothers, my little sister, my mother. I have 4 dogs: Baghi, Diana (Czekslovakian Wolfdog), Kess (Golden Retriever) and Pinchy (Zwergpinscher). I also have 5 cats, a parrot, fishes and lots of animals.
This was just an introducing speech.
In the next days you'll learn more about us.
That's all so far.
See you soon.
(Bagrijana at the special FCI X group show in Zagreb, 28.11.08.)
Here Baghi did very well, winning the 1st place in the female intermediate class and 3rd best female, after Gitana di Rocca Barbara (who won the BOB. Congatulations to Stefano Bergamo and Imelda Quinlan!!) and Lynx Sunrise (owned by Bielie Noci Kennel). Visit "European Borzoi" website for more information on the show results.
Diana (photo by Vida Klenovsek)


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