Yesterday we decided to spend our free time at a local show at Cordenons, Italy, mainly because it was the first time one of our puppies attended a dog show. We absolutely wanted to see him, now 4 months and a half old.
It was a bright, sunny day, we had a great time with the owners of Milky the puppy, we met some friends and chatted about dogs all the time. It was also an occasion to keep in practice for national and international shows (especially for CACIB Portoroz, which will be next week) for both Bagrijana and Diana.
It was an interesting show, especially because of the special show for golden retrievers and the high number of dogs there. Bagrijana and Diana both acieved wonderful placements, the two of them earning BOB and BOG.
Here are some photos of the day.

Bagrijana (BOB, BOG) placed without leash

Diana (BOB, BOG)

Diana in the BOG ring

Bagrijana in the BOG ring

Bagrijana and Diana in BIS
See you this weekend in Portorož...