Handlign exercises near Vicenza

Some time ago I went with Elena Bertolini (Ca' Frosco Kennel) to visit Chestnut Chief (now called Ilja) and his friend Danjar (now Osip). Both are from Ca' Frosco litters.
We had a pleasing time there and Ilja and Osip are such fun dogs that it was a pleasure working with them. Osip is really good-tempered and he's grown big and strong. Both have wonderful coats (unfortunately in the photos they're shedding) and good, solid structures. Ilja who, I have to admit, was my favorite puppy of the C litter at Ca' Frosco, has a beautiful head and expression.
Here are two photos of stacking exercises. Since it was the second time for Ilja and the first time for Osip to try these exercises, they were really fantastic!! I hope they will attend more to dog shows in the future, because they will be surely great stars!
Ilja (Ailica's Chamberlain x Stepnykh Almazov Aleksandra)
Osip (Bakur Redfox x Velikij Jalina)


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