CACIB Sempeter and Vrtojba 7-8.11.09

I spent some time with my friends in Slovenia for a x2 CACIB week-end in Sempeter. We had fun and ended up very happy because Bagrijana officially closed her SLOVENIAN CHAMPIONSHIP!!!
And Marta, my little sister, surprised us all achieving the 2nd place in Junior Handling (younger group) 2 TIMES IN A ROW with Borzoi Bagrijana.
Here are the main results
CACIB SEMPETER 7.11.09 - judge Mr. Petru Muntean (RO)
BOB: Gitata di Roccabarbara (Alarico di Roccabarbara x Dajara di Roccabarbara)
BOS: Russkyi Azart Ideal (Rassvet Svetleishiy Mirage x Zarina Razguljai Ty Tsaritsa)
CAICB VRTOJBA 8.11.09 - judge Mrs. Barbka Novak (SLO)
BOB: Russkyi Azart Ideal (Rassvet Svetleishiy Mirage x Zarina Razguljai Ty Tsaritsa)
BOS: BAGRIJANA!!! (Lut Szczescia Wladca Traw x Velikij Jalina)
The complete results HERE
Here are the pictures of the JH dogs which I used during the week-end:
7.11.09 = Alaskan malamute, Del Biagio Kennel
8.11.09 = Black Russian Terrier, Russian Diamond Kennel


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