CACIB Zagreb 21-22.11.09

Passed a pleasing week-end at the international dog show in Zagreb. I actually had to handle 5 dogs (2 Borzois, 1 Black Russian Terrier and 2 Russkiy Toys), but I ended up with only 3 (the Borzoi male and the Black Russian Terrier couldn't make it).

Anyway we achieved good results:


Borzoi, judge Mr. Gunter Ehrenreich:

Dobrinja, intermediate class: exc3

Russkiy Toy, judge Mrs. Tatjana Urek (SLO)

"Pepita", junior class: vg

"Tata", open class: exc, CAC, BOB


Borzoi, judge Mr. Gerard Jipping

Dobrinja, intermediate class: exc1, CAC, RCACIB

Russkiy Toy, judge Mrs. Ivana Bakahl (HR)

"Pepita", junior class: exc

"Tata", open class: exc, CAC, BOB

Also congratulations to Andreja Novak, Kennel Ninochkas, for her beautiful Ninochkas Zoya by H.R.I.B., who achieved BOB and ResBIS at the special club show held in Zagreb on Friday!! Čestitke Andreja!!

Dobrinja (Bakur Red Fox x Velikij Jalina), Borzoi.
left-right: Tata, short-haired Russkiy Toy, and Pepita, long-haired Russkiy Toy.


Hi MArina - Čestitke za tudi za nedeljski uspeh :-)) se vidimo, lp

Maja said…
caongradulations! unfortunately I was not in Zagreb for the weekend, but we will meet next time ;)
Unknown said…
Hvala Andreja in Maja.
Maja, I hope to meet you soon!

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