ANGIE - our new family member

So, I'm really happy to inform you that for my 18th birthday I received the permission from mum to choose a SMALL dog to enlarge the family. Since I had to choose a small dog, how could I NOT choose Chinese Crested Dog??
Looking at several websites, I fell in love with Sua Sponte Kennel, and Anna (the breeder) suggested me - since she didn't have puppies at the moment - to have a look at the litter sired by her male, co-owned with Secret Kennel. Well, I got in contact with Joanna and in short time I could hug my first CCD!! Secret Aniol nie Kobieta - we call her Angie - is a really nice female, a bit reserved but it's natural for a first day. At the moment she's sleeping on my bed and I'm sure we'll be great friends.
Here are some pictures of the first day at home:
And here are some photos taken in Poland, where she comes from:
Angie as a puppy:


Chyerdak said…
So cute!! Congratulations with your new little girl ... Deborah and the gang
Unknown said…
thank you Deborah!! :D

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