CACIB Montichiari 10.01.2010

Finally I attended a dog show again. These pauses in between the handling activity are killing me, since I'm known to be a dog show addict. ;)
As always, I accompanied Elena Bertolini to an international show in Italy, CACIB Montichiari (BS). I had show Bagrijana too, but unfortunately she went in heat, so I had to, reluctantly, leave her home.
At the last moment we had a change in the judges, so I had finally, for the first time in my life, the honor to be judged by Mr. Andre van den Broek. 
I handled a total of 3 dogs (2 males + 1 bitch):
- Chestnut Chief (Ailica's Chamberlain x Stephnyk Almazov Aleksandra): open class males, exc1 ResCAC, ResCACIB. Third show for Chestnut, but he managed to get in the ring with a calm and elegant attitude, probably due to his mother's genes. ;)
- Danjar (Bakur Red Fox x Velikij Jalina): intermediate class males, exc2. It was Danjar's first show and I'm really happy of the judgement, though he was a bit shy in the movement and really wanted to get out of the ring. I think that with constant practice and exercise he will be a great show dog. I hope to hear and see more of him in the future.
- Dobrinja (Bakur Red Fox x Velikij Jalina): intermediate class females, exc1, CAC, CACIB and BOS!! I think Dobrinja is a lovely bitch with a very noble ring presence. She still needs to set a fully-grown structure but she's getting more and more gorgeous in time.
I will post the judgements as soon as I can.



Chestnut Chief


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