Specialty Shows at Ljubljana - 16.01.2010
After a long and wearing fight, I got permission from my mother to go and visit the Ljubljana shows, held on 16th and 17th December. Unfortunately I could go just to the Specialty Shows, held in the evening of the first day. I was so glad to have the opportunity to watch the Sighthound Specialty Show, which was really interesting. I would like to congratulate with Andreja Novak - Ninochkas Borzois, for her wonderful promising youngsters, Ninochkas Zenos and Zoya by H.R.I.B. (Zenos a.k.a. Zen is owned by family Hrženjak), who were respectively BOB and BOS. Of course, I couldn't miss the Toy Specialty either, and it was nice to see again Katja Butina and her lovely Cresties Fear and Envy. In fact, I brought to the show ground Angie, who was a bit shy, but she will get used to shows one day.
It was beautiful to see all of my friends again, from the talented young handlers like Alice, Nina, Neža, Urška, Ula, Lana and Manca, to breeders and privates like Andreja Novak, Helena Arh and Davor Margeta, Natasha (owner of Ninochkas Volodja), Stefano (owner of Gitana di Roccabarbara), and of course Anna Szabó, my dear friend and breeder of Irish Wolfhounds (Kennel Irish Cream). Unfortunately I didn't manage to chat a lot with Anna (sorry dear, we'll have a long talk next time ;) ), but it was very nice to see her again. Hopefully we'll meet again at the Sighthound Club Show in Italy - Raduno di Primavera CdL, in the charming and evocative landscape of Garda Lake, alongside with Helena and Davor.

It was beautiful to see all of my friends again, from the talented young handlers like Alice, Nina, Neža, Urška, Ula, Lana and Manca, to breeders and privates like Andreja Novak, Helena Arh and Davor Margeta, Natasha (owner of Ninochkas Volodja), Stefano (owner of Gitana di Roccabarbara), and of course Anna Szabó, my dear friend and breeder of Irish Wolfhounds (Kennel Irish Cream). Unfortunately I didn't manage to chat a lot with Anna (sorry dear, we'll have a long talk next time ;) ), but it was very nice to see her again. Hopefully we'll meet again at the Sighthound Club Show in Italy - Raduno di Primavera CdL, in the charming and evocative landscape of Garda Lake, alongside with Helena and Davor.

left: BOS Ninochkas Zoya by H.R.I.B. right: Ninochkas Zenos by H.R.I.B.