CACIB Gonzaga

We set off early in the morning today to reach Gonzaga, in the province of Mantova. We attended the International show on sunday, since they divided the 10 FCI groups in two days. It was a very nice place, and we got a large pavellion with just 2 rings (one for Borzois and Golden Retriever females, the other one for the Golden Retriever males). Our judge was Mr. Yerusalimsky Eugene (RUS).
Since we were the first breed, we didn't have to wait long and they soon started judging. BAGRIJANA, who was in a wonderful shape, won exc1 in open class, CAC, CACIB and BOS!!! We also had a great time with Elena Bertolini (Ca' Frosco Kennel), who showed her handsome Dobrinja (actually, I was handling her).
Now Bagrijana needs just 2 more CACs at special or club shows (we have already 4 out of 6), and just one CACIB in a third country to finish the Italian and International Championships.
BOB today was Russkiy Azart Olimp Imperium Civiltas (Kennel Russkiy Azart).
Also I would like to make my congratulations to Edoardo Panigati, Alessandra Fioravanti and Anna Rosenberg for their beautiful results in Junior Handling (Edoardo: 1st older group; Alessandra: 2nd older group; Anna: 1st younger group)

Here are some photos of the day:

Bagrijana and me practicing before the show started

 Dobrinja during the show

BOB (Russkiy Azart Olimp Imperium Cicviltas) and BOS (Bagrijana)

outside the show ground walking the dogs... my beautiful Angie :)

Bagrijana and her sweet expression

Our next show will be next week at CACIB Reggio Emilia (and special sighthound show on Sunday), so keep an eye on this blog for furthers results of our beautiful and crazy pack! :)


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