CACIB UMAG 23.05.10

Finally another dog show!! When I entered my dogs to this show, I was so happy go get back to croatia, especially for 3 reasons:
- all the good friends I meet there
- it was a very nice place, and a very well organized show last year
We decided to go just on Sunday, so that I couldn't miss school.
Anyway, in the morning we received a call from a friend of ours who asked us to bring her dogs, since she wasn't able to come. Eventually I found myself with 4 dogs to handle:
- Bagrijana (Borzoi)
- Ayka "Diana" (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
- Stilling Superfine iz Kaskada Grez "Mishka" (Deutscher Zwergspitz)
- Hrustlanaya Mechta Strela Kupidona "Tata" (Russkiy Toy)
I was very satisfied with the results, since Diana got exc1 CAC; Mishka got exc1, PRM and JBOB; Tata got exc1, CAC, CACIB and BOB.
But the most surprising of all was Bagrijana's result: exc1, CAC, CACIB (now new INT Ch. in homologation)... and BOB!!

I'll post the main results, but you can see the cmplete ones (plus her wonderful pictures) on Vida Klenovsek's Blog (Petiitpethaus).

CACIB UMAG 22.05.10 - judge Mrs. Marie Petersen (DK)
BOB: Ninochka's Zen by H.R.I.B. (hansdome Zen was handled by my good friend Ula Rozman)

BOS:Basnja Krylova (kennel iz Znatoy Svory)

CACIB UMAG 23.05.10 - judge Mrs. Kitty Sjong
BOB: Bagrijana

BOS: Clasik Charm (kennel iz Znatoy Svory)

all photos are from courtesy of Vida Klenovsek - Petiitpethaus


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