Italian Club for Sighthounds - Club Show at Padenghe del Garda 1.05.10 - RADUNO DI PRIMAVERA CdL

This year I couldn't absolutely miss the RADUNO DI PRIMAVERA CdL for anything in the world.
The club show of the Italian Club for Sighthounds at Padenghe del Garda is definitively one of the most important shows for sighthounds in Italy. It is held every May 1st at Padenghe del Garda, near the Garda Lake. Thanks to the wonderful sunny weather, the nice open-air show ground, the splendid atmosphere given by the Garda Lake, and of course the presence of all the sighthound fanciers, it is always a pleasure to take part in this event.
This year we were a real nice group: me, my Mum, Elena Bertolini (Ca' Frosco), Natalya her handler, Lena, Michael and Claudia, and Stefano. In fact we had to set up 3 gazebos in order to give EVERYONE - dogs included - some shade from the hot sun. At the show we found also Andreja Novak (Ninochka's) with her charming Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. and Dina (Al Maysun Saluki).
Our judge was Mrs. Durando Fassio (I). Bagrijana was wonderful and she got exc in open class (out of 13 females!). Zoya too was exc.
Here are some of the results:
BOB: Russkiy Azart Dagon (B+O: Maria Lazareva)
BOS: Jelistaz Shamandalie (B: S. Holmberg & S. Soderberg  O: S. Corvi)
CAC Males: Stephnyk Almazov Extraordinarius (B: Cristina Epifani O: Catia Civita)
CAC Females: Jelistaz Shamandalie (B: S. Holmberg & S. Soderberg O: S. Corvi)
Puppy BOB: Ca' Frosco Ebony (B+O: Elena Bertolini)
Puppy BOS: Ca' Frosco Eyrin (B+O: Elena Bertolini)

 females open class (13 entries - 1 abs.)

Bagrijana exc.

Ca' Frosco Ebony & Eyrin in the ring for Puppy BOB


Hi Guys was nice to meet you again :-))) pitty - we missed you next day on Coursing :-)) Ciao,

Allrussian said…
hello Marina congats to girls at puppy class, i like ebony, I think she will be outstanding girl!!!


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