Local dog show Spilimbergo (Udine) - 2.05.10

Since we had nothing else to do on a cloudy Sunday morning, we decided to the local dog show (nothing official) at Spilimbergo, near Udine. We brought and entered all our dogs, for a total of 6!
There we met with Marina (Kennel Russian Diamond), Giuliana (Devon Age Devon Rex Cattery) and their friend Ciro. They had brought the Black Russian Terriers Russian Diamond Ginevra (Katerina) and Dushka; the russkiy Toys Tata and Meggy, and the Deutscher Zwergspitz Misha. Later on our dear friend David (Pyrenean Mountain Dog) came by to say hello. So, in the end, we were quite a consistent group.
The judgements were quite chaotic, but in the end I managed to handle almost all the dogs (with the exception of Bagrijana, who was handled by mum because I was in the Golden Retriever ring), PLUS the little Misha.
Misha is quite an outstanding show dog, and though he is still young (6 moths) he was wonderful and he managed to acheive BOB and BOG!! I'm sure we'll see him on the rings in the future. :-)
Luckily the rain started to fall right when we packed everyone and everything in the car nd we were heading back home. :D


Marina and Dushka (BOB)

Marina and Katerina

Katerina and Dushka in for BOB

Bagrijana and mum


Russkiy Toy Tata (black and tan) and Meggy (brown)

Mishka and I

Mishka... wonderful show dog!


Dachshund Shorthaired class

Nina and I


Mishka in for BIS

 SIGHTHOUND TIME! Bagrijana playing at the end of the day with a Galgo and a Whippet

Marta and Pinchy

The following photos are from courtesy of Giuliana, who managed to make a few photos before the show

Dushka and I

Bagrijana head study


Diana and I


Dushka and I



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