Unfortunately I wasn't present at the show but I would have really liked to go there. Luckily Facebook helps you keep connected with the show world pretty well, so I got the results immediately. :-)

I have some wonderful news; on the 2nd day (8-8-2010), under the judge Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne, some great dogs received great results:

- Ca' Frosco Chajka exc1 CAC VDH BB BOB!!

- Le Sphink Killing Me Softly "Lennox" exc1 CAC VDH BM BOS!!

Now, some BIG congratulations are due... Great job Michael and Claudia, and of course our dear friends Regina and Frank, owners of the beautiful Lennox!
Here I found a picture from Lennox on that day (photo copyright: Adriana Heiler).

I'd like to add that Lennox is now DWZRV CHAMPION!! Congratulations!!

Complete results HERE:
- DAY 1
- DAY 2


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