Club Show Lotzwill (CH) - 28.08.2010

We received EXCELLENT news both from Elena Bertolini than from our dear friend Regina (form SandSound Kennel). The thing is that our dear Lennox (Le Sphinx Killing Me Softly) was shown at the Swiss Borzoi Club Specialty in Lotwill (CH).

For complete results and photos of the event click HERE.

The judge was Mr. Louis Dehaes (B).
with great happiness, we discovered that Lennox was EXC1 CAC BM BOS and CLUBSIEGER! So now Lennox concluded the SWISS CHAMPION TITLE!! Congratulations to Regina, Frank and Lennox!

Well, our greatest surprise, though, was to discover that also other friends of ours attended the show. In fact, BERETSKA, our Bagrijana's sister, was EXC1 CAC BB BOB!! Congratulations to Elena, the breeder, and Lena, the owner!

All following photos are from courtesy of Barbara Wickli

Lennnox head study

Lennox on the move

Handsome Lennox :-)

Winners: exc1 CAC BB BOB Beretzka and exc1 CAC BM BOS Clubsieger Le Sphinx Killing Me Softly



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