RETRIEVER WORKING DAY WITH GAME Marmorta di Molinella (BO) - 11.09.2010

We received lovely news from Elena, the owner of our beloved Milky (Golden Retriever - sweets litter). 

Since they both did some excellent training on the retriever working trials with their group OASIRETRIEVER, they decided to compete in the WORKING DAYS WITH GAME, near Bologna. Though Milky participated just the first day, everybody was satisfied by his performance, being the first time for him.

He did a great job with the pick-up and return of the dummies, and our golden boy also surprised us with his excellent marking of quails, also with a very good blind retrieve. :-)

What can I say, apart that I'm very proud of Milky and Elena? I just wish to make some big congratulations to this wonderful couple handler/dog, and wishing them the best of luck for future competitions!

Here are some photos of the event that Elena kindly sent us:

I bet Milky was very happy and satisfied of this day too! :-)


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