Borzoi Specialty Show at S.Zaccaria (RA) - 25.09.2010

It's always lovely to take part in the Borzoi Specialty Show held at Palazzo Manzoni in S.Zaccaria (RA). This year in was set in September, and we had the honor to be judged by Mrs. Marton-Pollock (Falconcrag).

So early on a Friday morning Elena and I started our journey to Ravenna. We arrived in the afternoon, and since it was still quiet (all the other borzois would have come early in the morning of the following day), we decided to work a bit with the dogs, before it started raining heavily. 

Luckily we had an unexpected sunny weather the next day, so even the judge could enjoy a bit of the italian sun. ;-)

Unfortunately I still haven't found the complete results on the net, so I will have to give you the ones I remember (all the following photos are from courtesy of the Sighthound Club of Italy):

Champion Class: exc1 Stepnykh Almazov Extrordinarius
(Majenkir Timeless Arts x Stepnykh Almazov Balthajsha)
B: C. Epifani O: C. Civita

 Open Class: exc1 Russkiy Azart Nektar
(Solovyev Landysh for Russkiy Azart x Russkiy Azart Derza)
B + O: M. Lazareva

Open Class: exc2 Desiderio dell'Antica Carsulae
(Phaedra Gendragon x Bletska Silver Shadow)
B: S. Corvi O: L. Manservisi
Intermediate Class:
- exc1 CAC Carabida's Dazzling Gold
(Polongain Jikarow x Jelistaz Oriental Pearl)
B: P. Kashikarju O: C. Epifani
- exc2 Russkiy Azart Olimp Imperium Civiltas
(Borscana Hardcore Superstar x Eleghiya
Prekrasnaya Mecta)
B + O: M. Lazareva

Junior Class: exc1 JBOB BOB Illa's Principe Dimitri
(Phaedra Gendragon x Erika del marchese di Rieti)
B + O: F. Capomagi
Junior Class: exc2 Illa's Principe Vassilj
(Phaedra Gendragon x Erika del marchese di Rieti)
B + O: F. Capomagi

 Baby Class: exc1 Best Baby Male Stepnykh Almazov Gersholitz
(Carabida's Dazzling Gold x Stepnykh Almazov Cabiria)
B: C. Epifani O: J. Daniels

 Champion Class: exc1 Dobrinja
(Bakur Red Fox x Velikij Jalina)
B + O: E. Bertolini

Champion Class: exc2 Clelia dell'Antica Carsulae
(Bakur Red Fox x Kishniga's Hope at Hi-Tor)
B + O: S. Corvi
Open Class: exc1 CAC BOS Darinka
(Bakur Red Fox x Velikij Jalina)
B: E. Bertolini O: S. Corvi

 Open Class: exc2 ResCAC Arcana
(Kohinoor Blistai x Stepnykh Almazov Aleksandra)
B + O: E. Bertolini

 Junior Class: exc1 Best Junior Female Ca' Frosco Eiryn
(Arcana x Barghal)
B + O: E. Bertolini

 Junior Class: exc2 Illa's Principessa Anastasia Romanoff
(Phaedra Gendragon x Erika del Marchese di Rieti)
B + O: F. Capomagi

 Puppy Class: exc1 Russkiy Azart Ruslada
(Borscana Hardcore Superstar x Russkiy Azart Derza)
B + O: M. Lazareva

 Puppy Class: exc2 Joyce for Septempeda
(Kazar Stephan for Septempeda x Koslowski's Ivonne for Septempeda)
B + O: M. Sambin

Baby Class: exc1 Best baby Female Russky Azart Felissa La Suprema
(Borscana Hardcore Superstar x Russkiy Azart Derza)
B + O: M. Lazareva
Veteran Class: exc1 VetBOB Stepnykh Almazov Aleksandra
(Matja x Ninotcka Anna Achmatova)
B: C. Epifani O: E. Bertolini

Best Couple: Illa's Principe Vassilj + Illa's Principessa Anastasia Romanoff

 2nd Best Couple: Abrek Ermogen + U'quolka Barichieva des Balalaikas

Best Group: Kennel Stepnykh Almazov

2nd Best Group: Kennel Ca' Frosco

BOB: Illa's Principe Dimitri
B + O: F. Capomagi
BOS: Darinka
B: Bertolini   O: S. Corvi

Well, what can I say? It was fun!! Again congratulations to all the winners!! Especially to Illas Borzois, Ca' Frosco Borzois... and last but not least Antica Carsulae Borzois!! We're all so proud of Darinka and thank Stefano Corvi so much for taking excellent care of her!!


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