CRUFTS 2011 - Borzoi Results

Once again, one of the most important shows of the year attracted visitors and exhibitors from all over the world. I'm talking, of course, about dfsCrufts 2011.

Breed Judge: Mrs. J M Clare

BOB and Dog CC: Ch Borzowski's Phenomenon (B: A. Nilsson  O: L Hamel)

BOS and Bitch CC:Borscana Stylish Fiction (B: L. Edland  O: Albert & Western)

Best Puppy: Turgai Glinka (B: M&G Franz  O: M E Wright)

Full breed results HERE!

It's a pity I didn't manage to visit the show this year but it was my great pleasure to her that Phenomenon not only won Best of Breed, but also RESERVE BEST IN GROUP!! My most heartfelt congratulations to the breeder Annica Nilsson (Borzowski's Borzoi) and owner Lena Hamel!
Also I'd like to make special congratulations to our friend Kresimir Besedic from Croatia, who won 1st place in Yearling Bitch class with the lovely Kantyczka Stepowy Goniec (and of course congrats to her breeder too!). Čestitam Krešo!!

Hound Group results HERE!


Anonymous said…
Hvala Marina na prekrasnim riječima!!!

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