Since we always had a good time at Croatian dog shows, we decided to attend once again the Zagreb Winter Shows. This time we had a larger pack with us.
The shows started with the evening specialty for group X organized by Klub Hrtova Zagreb. It was nice to see all our friends from far and near, and the atmosphere was really great!

This year's judge was Mrs. Wieslawa Misterka-Kluska (PL), borzoi breeder/judge, Kennel Polot. I'd like to thank Kresimir Besedic for these wonderful photos. Hvala Kreso!

Our rising star Ca' Frosco Hiba was exc1, JCAC, Junior Winner, JBOB and JBISS4!! Hiba has fulfilled requirements to become HR JrCH!

Hiba winning JBOB

BoB ring


JBISS 3rd and 4th

Bagrijana was also good, achieving exc2 ResCAC in champion class.

I was also asked to handle Dober-Kopp Crafty Broker in Puppy BISS, and we got the 2 place! Way to go Broker!

But the best part of the show was one of my favorite borzois, Fenomenalnij Fars Wolkowo (owners: Wolkowo Kennel) winning BOB and ResBISS! Congratulations Davor and Helena!

Group X line-up 


BISS 1st and 2nd

BISS 2nd and 3rd

During the Zagreb Shows in the week-end we showed our other junior Ca' Frosco Hella Tantezampe, and our Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Ayka.

19.11.11 - CACIB Zagreb, Crufts Qualification
- AYKA (judge Nenad Andric): exc1 CAC ResCACIB. Ayka has fulfilled the
   requirements to become HR CH!!
- CA' FROSCO HELLA TANTEZAMPE (judge Carmen Navarro Giusado): exc1
  Junior Winner, JBOS

20.11.11 - CACIB Zagreb, Zagreb Winner
- AYKA (judge Wieslawa Misterka-Kluska): exc1 CAC ResCACIB
- CA' FROSCO HELLA TANTEZAMPE (judge Valerio Nataletti): exc1 Junior
  Winner, Zagreb Junior Winner 2011, JBOS. Hella is now HR JrCH!!

If you wish to view more results of the Zagreb Winter Shows, CLICK HERE.


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