CACIB Ljubljana 14.01.2012

Saturday we arrived in Ljubljana, to attend a double show, CACIB in the morning and the 19th Sighthound Specialty, organized by the Slovenian Club for Sighthounds, in the evening.

Looking at the day as a whole I will say that it has been a very nice, and I had occasion to meet a lot of friends that I didn't see in a while.

The morning show was judged by Andreja Novak (Ninochka's Borzois)
Hiba achieved exc1, JCAC, Junior Winner, JBOS.

Her judgement critique:
"15 months old, beautiful head and expression, correct bite, very good top line, chest still needs to develop, correct front and rear angulation, good feet, nice long tail, good mover coming and going and from side."

thank you very much to Nikola and Nina, the great potographers of for this excellent picture of Hiba's outstanding movement!!

Can't say I was so satisfied for the specialty show, but anyway it was a very nice day, and at the club show Borzois had a special prize offered by Ninochka's Borzois! Hvala lepa Andreja Novak!


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