CAC Udine + CACIB Gradisca d'Isonzo (I) - 13./14.08.2013

My summer job ended a while ago, so I was ready to go back in the rings, and what a start after thse months off the show scene! We thank of course the judges who appreciated our dogs' qualities and our friends for such a nice week-end!


CAC Udine - 13.08.2013
judge Mr. Massimiliano Mannucci (I)
HIBA: exc1, CAC, BB, BOB!!

BOB Ca' Frosco Hiba and BOS Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's

CACIB Gradisca d'Isonzo - 14.08.2013
judge Mr. John Wauben (NL)
HIBA: exc1

Hella show training

 Bonnie show training

an unexpected but pleasant surpirse, I handled also a sweet and lovely Saluki. :)

Kiss from Bagrijana


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