CACIB Celje Winter Winner (SLO) - 23.02.2014

First show of the year, and a great show indeed! Luckily the weather was fine, so the journey to the show ground went smoothly. It was a very relaxing day, since we had to show only one Borzoi. In the evening the TOP 20 competition was held, where the most successful dogs on Slovenian shows for the year 2013 were rewarded by the Slovenian Kennel Club. It was an honor and joy taking part in this competition, and we congratulate all of the other winners for such a brilliant show year.


Winter Winner - Mrs. Friederike Kappacher (A)
HIBA: exc1, CAC, CACIB, Winter Winner 2014, BOS
new Slovenian GRAND CHAMPION!

TOP 20 Competition - Slovenian Kennel Club
HIBA: n°13 TOP DOG Allbreeds 2013

Hella came with us as a visitor, but we never shun the occasion of doing a bit of ring training :)


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