Sighthound Club Show Varazdin (HR) - 24.05.2014

What a fine afternoon we spent in Varazdin, Croatia! It was fun to meet so many old and new friends, and we were honored to take part in yet another well-organized Club Show, judged this year by Mr. Bratislav Milosevic, Alebras Afghans (SRB). Our thanks go to the organizers of the show who did a brilliant work, the Club members who always make us feel welcome in their country, and of course Mr. Milosevic for appreciating our dogs' qualities. Also a special thank you to my dear friend Lana (Flawless Kennel) for handling our lovely Hella perfectly! Hvala! Also thank you to Kresimir Besedic for the lovely photos!!

CLUB SHOW - judge Mr. Bratislav Milosevic, Alebras Kennel (SRB)


HIBA: exc1, CAC, BB, Club Winner, BOS

Hiba (BOS) with the BOB Tarasov's Imbrium

Hiba's beautiful prizes


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