Finally it's that time of the year again... one of the main Borzoi events of Europe took place in Landstuhl, Germany on May 31st, 2014. This year's edition had the honor of having Dr. Anne Midgarden, Teine Borzois (USA), judge the breed. More than a 100 Borzois were entered, which is a big feat for one European Country. We thank the organizers of the show, the great photographers Evelyn Kirsch and Barbara Wickli, the judge Dr. Midgarden and of course all the friends and Borzoi lovers who made this event a lovely memory for the years to come.

SHOW HANDLING, Barsoi JA 2014, judge Dr. Midgarden (Teine Borzois)
LEONID VOM TOLLHAUS: exc1, VDH, Class Winner!!! 
We are so proud of Leo, and I personally thank immensely the owners Stephan and Susanne for giving me the opportunity of showing lovely Leo.

The Mac-Mac (as I call him) made me so proud, such a lovely boy with a big heart and a brilliant show career ahead of him... Keep it up, Mac, Regina and Frank!!


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