CAC ROVINJ (HR) - 12.04.2015

What a lovely sunny day in the Croatian town of Bale, where the National Dog Show Rovinj was held on Sunday April 12th. That same day the F pups turned 9 months old, so they can officialy enter the junior class from now on.
Our lovely pups made us proud by bringing home some amazing results.

judge Mrs. Ivana Bakal (HR)
- Gladys vom Schwabenhof "Pixie": exc1, JCAC, JBOB!!
- Hollie: exc1, CAC, BB, BOS
- Fianna: exc1, JCAC, JBOS
- Full Moon Fever Tantezampe for Clovelly "Mooney": exc1, JCAC, JBOB, BOB... BOG!!!

at only 9 months of age our lovely boy wins the Group at a National All-breed Show under judge Ivana Bakal (HR). We're grateful to the judge for appreciating our youngster's qualities and so proud of him for behaving like a pro in the finals! Way to go Mooney!


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