Double CACIB Lipica (SLO) - 3./4.10.2015

In the fascinating location of LIPICA STUD FARM, just a few kilometers from the Italian border, the double International Dog Show Lipica is held every first week-end of October. Being an open-air show at the beginning of October, we all have to hope for the best in terms of weather. Last year's edition had clear skies and a blinding sun; unfortunately we weren't so lucky this week-end, since a light drizzle never left us. Weather aside, the organization of the show was as smooth as can be, the company was very agreeable and the results of our dogs weren't bad at all.

judge Mr. Boris Baijc (SLO)
Hella: exc1, CAC, CACIB... new INT CH!!
Fortune Cookie: exc1, JCAC, JBOB!! new SLO JrCh!!

foto by Maria Grazia Puschiasis

judge Mrs. Zeljka von Zidar (SLO)
Nightfire's Top Secret "Bonnie": exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Gladys vom Schwabenhof "Pixie": exc2

judge Mr. Claudio DeGiuliani (I)
Hella: exc1, CAC, ResCACIB
Fianna: exc1, JCAC, JBOB!! new SLO JrCh!!

judge Mr. Miroslav Zidar (SLO)
Nightfire's Top Secret "Bonnie": exc1, CAC, ResCACIB
Gladys vom Schwabenhof "Pixie": exc1, JCAC, JBOS! new SLO JrCh



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