Borzoi Club of Victoria Championship Show + Royal Melbourne Dog Show (AUS) - 18+21.09.2016

We received some excellent news from Australia this week. Mooney a.k.a. AUS CH Full Moon Fever Tantezampe for Clovelly, was entered at two very important shows, the first being the Borzoi Club of Victoria Championship Show and the second the Melbourne Royal. Mooney made us proud by achieving some important results, and we're so proud of him.

Borzoi Club of Victoria Championship Show - 18.09.2016
judge Beatrix Maerki-Casanova (CH)
Mooney was Best Intermediate in Show and Res Dog CC

Royal Melbourne Dog Show - 21.09.2016
breed and group judge Jolanda Nagler (RO)
Mooney won BEST OF BREED
(photo courtesy of Clovelly Kennels)

Way to go Mooney and Team Clovelly!


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