Sighthound Club Show Dolsko (SI) - 10.09.2016

Another of our "musts" in our show calendar. The lovely atmosphere created by the Slovenian Sighthound Club members and organizers always make us feel welcome and accepted. If you're thinking about a good show venue for sighthounds, Dolsko is the event for you. a club show on Saturday and coursing on Sunday, every year the club does their best to make this weekend an unforgettable experience, with a good show ground, interesting judges panels and a lively atmosphere. Today we came with all our Borzois, though sadly we could enter only 2 of them at the show. Our judge was Irina Korshunova, Rusich Kennel (RUS). We had a lot of fun and we thank the Slovenian Club for Sighthounds for this nice day.

CAC Dolsko - 10.09.2016
judge: Mrs. Irina Korshunova, Rusich Kennel (RUS)

Fianna: exc1, CAC

Hollie: exc2, ResCAC

I helped our friend Andreja Novak, Ninochka's kennel, with a few dogs and I'm very happy for her for the lovely results.
Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's "Luc": exc1, CAC, BM, BOB!

Niniochka's Zoya by HRIB: exc1, Best Veteran, Vet BOB!

Congratulations Adreja for the lovely results!!



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