CACIB Sempeter & Vrtojba (SLO) - 12./13.11.2016

It's such a shame that the double International dog show Sempeter & Vrtojba doesn't have a bigger show ground, because it's so near our home, that it's always a temptation to go, although we don't enter dogs often there because of the too stressfull environment. Anyways, luckily the show weeksend is over, and we can relax ato home again with a few good results to celebrate. Although we didn't take any official photos at the show, the weather was too got to pass an occasion of a small photoshooting at home of our lovelies.

CACIB Sempeter - judge Mrs. Colette Moldoon (IRL)
Gladys vom Schwabenhof "Pixie": exc1, CAC
Giramondo: vg2
Fortune Cookie: exc1, CAC, ResCACIB

CACIB Vrtojba
judge Mrs Zeljka von Zidar (SLO):
Giramondo: exc1, JCAC, JBOB, BOS!!
Gladys vom Schwabenfo "Pixie": exc1, CAC, ResCACIB
judge Mr. José Homem de Mello (PT):
Fortune Cookie: exc1, CAC, ResCACIB

Giramondo "Gegio"

 Gladys vom Schwabenhof "Pixie"


Nightfire's Top Secret "Bonnie"



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