CACIB Umag (HR) - 3./4.06.2017

There was a time when this show was organized in the middle of May.... it goes without saying that moving it a couple of weeks later to end at the beginning of June was a wise decision... yes, the heat sometimes is quite stifling, but exhibitors and dogs alike can look forward to a quick dip in the Adriatic Sea when the show is over, since the Croatian shore must be less than a hundred meteres from the show ground. It's also a perfect location for post-show photo shoots. In fact we did take advantage of the beatuful sea and took a few shots ourselves.
Anyway it was a lovely relaxed weekend, we brought along only 2 dogs this time, our superstar Bonnie and our youngster Cookie and we left the show quite setisfied with the results.

breed judge Mrs. Nina Kharatishvili (RUS)
Fortune Cookie exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
breed judge Mr Zlatko Kralijc (HR)
Bonnie: exc1, CAC, ResCACIB

breed judge Mr Zlatko Kralijc (HR)
Fortune Cookie: exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG2!!
breed judge Mrs. Nina Kharatishvili (RUS)
Bonnie. exc1, CAC, ResCACIB

Some shots of the show and subsequent photo shoot


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