Beauty & Performance weekend in Dolsko (SLO) - 9./10.09.2017

Along with our Spring Club show in Italy, the show hosted by the Slovenian Club for Sighthounds at the beginning of September is one of our favorite shows. The location is lovely, the weather almost perfect and the panel of judges interesting, all partnered with the warm welcome by the Club members and organizors, which makes the show a "must" for all sighthound afficionados. This year we decided to enter the Beauty & Performace event, so we showed dogs on Saturday and coursed them on Sunday. We had a great time with friends and fellow colleagues, will definitively try to enter next year too!

Club Show Dolsko - 9.09.2017
Breed judge Mr. Zeljko Gaijc (SLO) - Junior BIS judge Mr. Markku Mahonen (FI)

Fortune Cookie: exc3

I Have A Dream: exc1, JCAC, JBOB, JBISS2!!

CACIL coursing Dolsko - 10.09.2017
judges Mr. Markku Mahonen (FI) and Mr. Bostjan Kogovsek (SLO)

Fortune Cookie: 4th place + 4th place Beauty & Performance

All photos are ©Blayo San


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