And here we go again.... one of the most beautiful Sighthound events I've ever seen in Europe! Amazing choreography of the main ring events, it's a show for breeders, exhibitors, amateurs and all sighthound lovers! I strongly recommend to see it at least once! It is the first week-end of August, and if you're coming to exhibit dogs, BRING A TENT! Donaueschingen is famous for it's unpredictable weather, from scorching heat to hailstorm, Donaueschingen and its people have seen it all.... And this year wasn't different.... Nonetheless, we had a great time with many friends and colleagues, and it was an honor to meet such an esteemed judge as Mrs. Patti Neale (Sylvan Borzois, USA), and seeing her judge our breed. The icing on the cake was that I got to handle the father of our F litter pups, Leonid vom Tollhaus "Leo-Schatz"! I'm so glad to find such super owners for such a wonderful dog, and the bond between me and Leo is very strong, we make an excellen...