
Name: Ca' Frosco Hollie
DoB: 5/09/2010
Reg.no: LO 10197857
Sire: Le Sphinx Killing Me Softly
Dam: Bagrijana
Breeder: Ca' Frosco Kennel
co-breeder and owner: Marina Cornaglia

International Champion
Italian Champion
Croatian Champion

Health Tests
Cardio: free
Eyes: clear (FSA)
Thyroid: normal
DM: N/N (antagene)

Hollie had the rare luck of finding the perfect family. She loved her owners very much, and they her. Unfortunately, it was too good to be true. Her owner passed away at the beginning of 2015, so we took her back with us. It took a while, but now she had adjusted to our lifestyle and to the other dogs, and she is happy. But Hollie, as us, miss her owner Stefano dearly and remember him fondly in our hearts and minds.

a younger Hollie with her owner Stefano

Like her sister Hiba, she's an eager show dog, and it's always a pleasure to show her in the rings. She has full dentition and correct bite.

Pedigree of Ca' Frosco Hollie
Ca' Frosco HollieLe Sphinx Killing Me SoftlyZimistraija SarekZaprof's MelmacLeicro's Russian Zaprak
Sholwood Special Magic
Zimistraija NessieSeabury JAY Egoiste
Jelistaz Grace Of Zimistraija
Le Sphinx FilippiiaSeabury JAY EgoisteSeabury's Earthly Pleasures
Jaraluv's Girl Friday
Majenkir Tzarina Le SphinxMajenkir Tsuperlative
Majenkir Firefly
BagrijanaLut Szczescia Wladca TrawIndygo Irtysz PolotCar of Twin Elms
Aria Stepowy Goniec
Brita ze Sfory CarycyKaznan Hagor
Rona Heisfalor
Velikij JalinaVelikij IlitschKazbek
Rytzar's Babotska
Jetzina Av FjaschoKazbek
Faranja av Fjascho
This pedigree was generated by http://www.theborzoifiles.net



Hollie 15 months old

Hollie and a junior dog



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