About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog! Feel free to look around and comment.  

I am Marina Cornaglia, born November 28th 1991 in Milan, where I lived and studied until September 2006, when I moved with my family to Trieste. Since I was five I attended English Schools, so I speak this language perfectly. Moreover, I speak French, Spanish and a bit of German.

I have a great passion for animals, that I cultivate from a long time. It all started out with the usual "red fish" and arrived at excellent show and breeding quality Borzois. Of course my child's dream was brought to a professional level, since presently I'm studying Animal Health and Breeding at the University of Udine. I also attend the Italian Kennel Club Breeders' Master and various other courses regarding dog breeding and health.

I approached the dog show world for the first time in 2007, when I started showing my Borzoi INT ITA SLO HR CH Bagrijana (Lut Szczescia Wladca Traw x Velikij Jalina) a.k.a. Bagij. With her I entered the borzoi community, and it's been a wonderful experience, which allowed me to learn so much about this lovely breed and meet so many people from all around the world.
Please visit Bagrijana's Page if you wish to know more about her.

On the same year I entered various Junior Handling contests, gaining also several victories. Though my time in JH was short, I am a great supporter of this sport and of the Italian Junior Handling Association (IJHA).
All the while I showed Bagrijana in the rings, closing her several championships. In fact, my involvement in the Borzoi breed was immediate, and the beginning of my handling career. I started working as dog handler for a Borzoi kennel, and now I continue this terrific job, that allows me to experiment all the different fascinating aspects of each dog breed. Owning dogs of different breeds at home allows me to understand all the different aspects of each breed, and their characters.
More information on my other dogs are found HERE.

In 2010 Bagij was fully mature and ready to have a litter, so she was bred to the handsome Lennox (Ch Le Sphinx Killing Me Softly), and an 11 puppy litter resulted from the mating.
I will be forever thankful to my mother Anna who shared with me this beautiful event and to Regina and Frank Thurnheer for allowing us to mate Bagij with their lovely Borzoi. More on our litter can be found HERE.

Here you will be able to see all news concerning our dogs, dog show results, litters, but mostly the daily life we enjoy so much along with our beloved dogs.

Hope you enjoy!  


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