
Name: Bagrijana
DoB: 12/03/2007
Reg. No: LO 07/94248
Sire: Lut Szczescia Wladca Traw
Dam: Velikij Jalina
Breeder: Elena Bertolini - Ca' Frosco Kennel

International Champion,
Italian Champion,
Social Champion,
Croatian Champion,
Slovenian Champion,
Croatian Junior Champion,
Slovenian Junior Champion,
Celje Winter Junior Winner 2008
Alpe Adria Junior Winner 2008
Qualified for FCI Centenary WCoC 2011
Enrolled in Registry for Selected Reproducers

Bagrijana is our first Borzoi, and the reason for my addiction to dog shows. We're so happy and thankful to Elena for giving us this lovely bitch!
Though we don't travel much to dog shows, Bagrijana has already gained SLO HR Jr.Ch, SLO HR Ch. INT Ch. ITA Ch.

Though successful, and a real show lady in the ring, Bagrijana is first of all my friend and pet, who likes to snuggle on the sofa... or on the hotel beds while abroad for dog shows. ;-)

Reggio Emilia... the bed was cosy... ;-) 


Pedigree of Bagrijana
BagrijanaLut Szczescia Wladca TrawIndygo Irtysz PolotCar of Twin ElmsShadow of Twin Elms
Majenkir Precious Moments
Aria Stepowy GoniecBojar Nesson
Colette Balagula
Brita ze Sfory CarycyKaznan HagorDimitroff d.y. av Fjascho
Ardagan's Song
Rona HeisfalorTuan ze Sfory Carycy
Aria Graciasis
Velikij JalinaVelikij IlitschKazbekDarjan av Fjascho
Kazar Jasmin
Rytzar's BabotskaYablonaja Jariox
Al-Wintar's Zigra
Jetzina Av FjaschoKazbekDarjan av Fjascho
Kazar Jasmin
Faranja av FjaschoLeicro's Russian Zwartzenegger
Darja av Fjascho
This pedigree was generated by

Bagrijana's page on BORZOI FILES:

Bagrijana's Facebook Photogallery:




(photo ©Tomislav Klemencic)


last three photos © by Silvia Bavagnoli Bugatti

Bagrijana bore 1 litter (at the age of 3 1/2 years) at Ca' Frosco Kennel. The handsome sire is Le Sphinx Killing Me Softly, a norwegian import (Le Sphinx Kennel) living in Switzerland with Frank and Regina Thurnheer - From SandSound Kennel. She gave birth to 11 healthy puppies (4m + 7f):
Hakon (owner: Elena Bertolini - Ca' Frosco Kennel), Hartwin, Helios, Heldar, Haidee (exp. France), Hanja (expPoland), Haze, Halina (owner: Stefano Corvi - Antica Carsulae Kennel), Hollie (owner Mosquito Bite kennel), Hiba and Hella.

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