
Name: Nightfire's Top Secret
DoB: 26/06/2012
Sire: Unas vom Schwabenhof
Dam: Miss Butterfly's Gloria Estefan
Owner: Anna Valle

International Champion
Slovenian Champion
Croatian Champion
Montenegro Champion
Cyprus Champion
Moldovan Champion
Macedonian Champion
Slovenian Junior Champion
Croatian Junior Champion
Cruft's Qualified 2014 2015
Slovenian Winner 2015
Zagreb Winner 2014
Zagreb Winner 2013
Winter Winner 2013


PL: free
vWD: N/N (free)
PRA: N/N (free)
eyes: clear (2014)

My mother's big dream. Yes, finally in 2012 we aquired our first Papillon, and we're so happy of our sweet Bonnie. Show trained and handled by myself, groomed by my mother, we make a great team, and I'm sure Bonnie will collect many successes in her life, but the most important to us is the mutual affection we share. Thank you infinitively to Yvonne Weber for this opportunity!


Bonnie at two years and a half

Bonnie on the move after winning BOB and becoming Slovenian Grand Champion
photo © Neza Jereb

Bonnie 9 months old

Bonnie and her friend Ginny

Bonnie on show as a youngster


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