Never have I been more satisfied with a change of location for a show ground than the one for the double international dog show Koper (SLO). They moved the show from Bonifika Sports Center in Koper, to Lipica Stud Farm home of the world renown Lipizzaner Horses in Sezana. Though the entries where quite small (around 800 dogs each day) I strongly recommend to attend if next year the show will be hosted at the same location. The beautiful park surrounding the stables, plus the possibility of visiting some lovely sea ports such as Trieste in Italy, Koper and the small town of Izola in Slovenia, make it an ideal trip for who wishes to make a little tourism without stressing the dogs more than necessary. Anyways, it was a very nice week-end and a successful one too. Stefano Corvi ( Antica Carsulae Kennel ) came to visit us along with Halina, the sister of Hella and Hiba. We had a great time and it was so nice to see our girl developed fully into a very beautiful lady. Watch out for her in t...