Zagreb Winter Classics (HR) - 24.-26.11.17

As always it's that time of the year to groom dogs, pack up our show gear and move to Zagreb. The interesting panel of judges and the winter specialty show are what have drawn us to this show initially, and we've gone back almost every year since the first time in 2008. This year was no different, but we entered more dogs that the previous years. SIGHTHOUND CLUB SHOW 24.11.2017 - judge Mrs. Bjorg Foss (N) Hiba: exc1, CAC Fianna: exc1, CAC, Club Winner 2017 I Have A Dream aka Rosie: exc1, JCAC, Junior Club Winner 2017, BOB , JBISS !! CACIB Zagreb I - 25.11.2017 Papillons judged by Mrs. Nada Krylova (CZ) Janggi: vp1 Best Puppy Java: vp2 Borzois Judged by Mrs. Maria Gabriela Veiga (P) Fianna: exc3 I Have A Dream aka Rosie: exc1, JCAC, JBOB ! CACIB Zagreb II - 26.11.2017 Papillons judged by Mrs. Elisabeth Feuz (CH) Jumanji: vp1 Best Puppy Java: vp1 Best Puppy Borzois Judged by Mrs. Carla Molinari (P) I Have a Dream aka Rosie: exc1, ...