CAC Venezia - 19.09.2010

Oookayyyy, I really needed some fresh air in these days, since I haven't been out recently. Well, the opportunity came from Elena Bertolini, who asked me to handle her dogs at CAC Venezia. We went there with quite a handful of 'zois... Elena brought Dobrinja (Bakur Red Fox x Velikij Jalina) in Champion class, Ebony in Junior Class (Arcana x Barghal) and last but not least little Grace (Aistra x Barghal) in Puppy Class. Unfortunately Ebony decided that he wasn't in the mood for a dog show, because he prefered to run on the beach, so we didn't show him in the end; but the other two girls gave us some big satisfactions. DOBRINJA won exc1 BB BOB ...and... BOG!!! GRACE won exc1 puppyBOB In addition to these wonderful news, the owner of DARINKA, Dobrinja's sister, called us to tell us that this wonderful girl was exc1, CAC, CACIB and BOS at CACIB Ercolano in Naples!!! Dobrinja in BIS ring Grace in puppy BIS ring Dobrinja winning BOG